Making a Difference: Supporting Local Fundraisers with Spokane Gifts


At Spokane Gifts, we believe in the power of community and giving back. We are passionate about helping local fundraisers thrive by offering our unique services and custom-curated donation baskets. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of our fundraising support program and how it sets us apart.

Custom Curated Donation Baskets

We understand the importance of creating a memorable experience for fundraiser attendees while maximizing the potential for donations. That's why we offer custom-curated donation baskets for local fundraisers. Fundraiser organizers can apply for a donation basket tailored specifically to their event.

Uniqueness and Value

What sets our donation baskets apart is the attention to detail and the quality of the products we include. Each basket is thoughtfully curated to align with the fundraiser's theme or cause. Whether it's a charity gala, school fundraiser, or community event, we ensure that the contents of the basket reflect the spirit of the occasion.

Bulk Orders with Donation Impact

In addition to our custom-curated donation baskets, we offer an exciting opportunity for organizations placing bulk orders of drinkware, gift cards, and select items. When an organization makes a bulk purchase, we contribute to the fundraiser by donating a basket proportionate to the amount spent by the organization.

Let's consider an example to illustrate the impact: Suppose an organization buys 1000 slate coasters and 1000 wine glasses for $10,000. As a show of our support, we will contribute $1,500 (15% in value) worth of donation baskets to the fundraiser. This ensures that not only are organizations acquiring high-quality products, but they are also making a meaningful contribution to their cause.

Maximizing Fundraising Success

We understand that every dollar counts when it comes to fundraising. That's why we are dedicated to making a difference and helping organizations maximize their fundraising success. By collaborating with Spokane Gifts, organizers can not only offer appealing products but also generate additional funds through our donation baskets.

Apply for Fundraising Support

We welcome local fundraiser organizers to apply for our donation basket program or to discuss bulk orders. We encourage them to reach out to us, providing details about their event, the cause they support, and their requirements. Together, we can create a partnership that will make a significant impact in our community.


At Spokane Gifts, our commitment to supporting local fundraisers runs deep. Through our custom-curated donation baskets and donation incentives for bulk orders, we strive to make a positive difference in our community. Join us in creating successful fundraisers that leave a lasting impression. Together, we can uplift causes, support organizations, and make a meaningful impact on those in need.